
Gnome inspiration for The Hump! PodcastWelcome to The Hump! Podcast …. In episode 6 of The Hump! Podcast: Cargo Shorts — The Walking Man Purse ….  hosts Brent Bowen and Chad Beland live out the great cargo short debate?

Brent breaks out his favorite pair of cargo shorts for this episode. He proclaims them the single greatest fashion item a man can own. Chad on the other hand, dons fashion glasses and an infinity scarf — not quite sure he was aware they would be chatting Infinity War.

 So … are cargo shorts the best invention ever or the most abhorrent fashion item and every pair should be burned?

The Hump! Podcast Episode 6 Show Notes – Cargo Shorts — The Walking Man Purse

If You Missed The First Several Episodes

Miss the first several episodes of The Hump! Show? You can watch replays on Facebook or listen to them:

In Ep. 6 of The Hump! Podcast, Brent & Chad Proclaim … Cargo Shorts ARE STILL IN?

The Hump! Ep. 6 Why Cargo Shorts are so great

The two buddies who like to drink a lot of craft beer together, talk how cargo shorts really are the most essential clothing item in a man’s wardrobe.

But before declaring their love for cargo shorts, the fellas …

  • Sample from Beer/Brewery of the Week … Stone Scorpion Bowl IPA (with bits of real scorpion in it) out of California.

… not to be confused with Keystone, as Chad mentions on the show.

  • They provide their Toasts of The Week …
    • Brent and Chad celebrate the weather, as it’s finally starting to behave like spring (and then it quickly shot right to summer)
    • Our first guest (to appear in episode 7) … Cathy Robinson from The Girl Who Goes … talking travel!
  • And chat about what they’ve been up to the last couple of weeks?
    • The fellas are getting there with old KC Tap Tour? Both of the guys (and THE WIVES) head out for a Sunday of the KC Tap Tour Season 2 “catch-up” consumption plan. And in the process, they enjoyed some not-so-serious bluegrass music from The Matchsellers at Stockyards Brewing Company.
    • Brent lauds the efficiency of the planning and friendliness of the volunteers at the Johnson County Recycling Extravaganza!
  • And geek on what are they looking forward to this week? 
    • A vision of seeing AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR multiple times!
    • And loving the contributions to Brent and Becca’s Up Next! series

This Week’s Topic — Cargo Shorts … The Walking Man Purse

  • In the guys most Seinfeldesque episodes … the fellas take on the topic of Men’s fashion — specifically cargo shorts. In this The Hump! episode, the boy’s address:
    • What’s wrong with cargo shorts? Really? Are cargo shorts out of style in 2018?
    • Why cargo shorts are the best?
    • Who wears cargo shorts?
    • When cargo shorts are cool?
    • And … what happens when you don’t wear your cargo shorts? A certain someone (who gave up his cargo shorts on his wife’s behest) lost his wallet in the studio. Why … on earth … did you get rid of YOURS, Chad?
  • And what happens, when they expand beyond cargo shorts … they discuss …
    • What’s the go-to spring/summer gear …
    • How often during the year does Chad REALLY use his flip-flop bottle opener?
    • How else has their wives decided to help you with their wardrobe? And what’s the worst outcome that has come from that situation?
  • If you need help moving beyond cargo shorts, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy … may still be taking nominations from people in the Kansas City area:
    • You can email them at QECasting@ITV.com
    • Need to send NAME, CONTACT INFO, PHOTOS & STORY for the person you’re nominating
    • No hard deadline … but I’d do it by mid-June

And This Episode’s Game of “Triple D” …

To close out The Hump! Podcast … Brent and Chad play a quick round of Triple D.

What’s Triple D?

They throw out a scenario … and discuss whether it’s a DICK, DOUCHE or DUMBASS move. This episode’s Triple D move:

This week’s Triple D move — What do you call … “Someone who blocks the aisle in Costco just to get the free meatball sample?”

We discuss and debate on the show, but feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments (keep it clean folks, as they reserve the right to delete any personal attacks or defamatory information).

You Can Catch The Hump! Live

You can watch Brent and Chad LIVE 7 p.m. CST most Wednesdays on Facebook  (and sometimes Instagram — when it works). The show runs NO MORE than 45 minutes live and 30 minutes in replay.

They’ll publish the replays on Facebook, YouTube (near future) and places where good audio can be found (see below platforms — and not saying they’re good, but they’ll slum along greatness).

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